Rachel's Bat Mitzvah


Candle Lighting Ceremony:

1. This first candle is for 3 people who I consider #1. I can always look to them for help or to have some fun. For this great Bat Mitzvah I have you to thank. And that is one of the list of long reasons number 1 is what you rank. I love these 3, they're my family. Mom, Dad, and Beth, Please join me in lighting this first candle.

2. I love all of those Florida visits with the two of you. Taking many trips to the New York and Florida zoos. Some of our favorites are apple picking and the Big E. Grandpa, I love your rice and black beans. How about sharing your recipe with me? Well, Grandma and Grandpa, please come up with me to light candle # 2.

3. Candle number 3 is for two special people, my grandparents, Bubbie and Zadie. You came to my dance recitals, concerts and soccer games to cheer for me. Thanks for inviting us to the Berkshires, where we've spent 8 summers with you. And for helping us cook and sharing those great Thanksgiving and Passover meals with us too. So come up here now because this candle's for you.

4. From sharing your love of postage stamps with me when I was born, to Elyse teaching us that old song with the unicorn, I love spending many vacations with you 4. And I look forward to many, many more. Uncle Mike and Aunt Perry, Elyse and Gabriel, join me now to light candle number 4.

5. Although Uncle Phil and Brian couldn't be here today, I'm glad you two, Aunt Laura and Deana came from Florida all this way. I love our visits to the beach and zoo. And Deana, It's fun doing our hair and makeup with you. So, Aunt Laura and Deana, representing your whole family, please come up and light candle number 5 with me.

6. Uncle Fritz, I came to your Bar Mitzvah when I was only 3. Now you're here to share my Bat Mitzvah with me. Thanks for bringing Aunt Shelly and now little Savanna into our family. I love you guys, your family of three. Please come up and light candle number 6.

7. Uncle Scott and Aunt Amy, you came to all of my birthday parties to celebrate my birthday. I love you both so much in every way. Aunt Amy's French braids are the coolest, the best. And your beautiful voice is the greatest, no less. Uncle Scott and Aunt Amy, Please come up and light candle number 7.

8. Aunt Lily and Uncle Stan, I love your famous potato latkes and kugel too. I love spending Chanukkah parties with both of you. My day wouldn't be complete without you guys, so come up here and light candle number 8.

9. My being the flower girl at your wedding is a special memory. I hope being here today is also one for you 3. Because having you here will be for me. Cousins Laura, Rhett, and Marissa, please come up and light candle number 9.

10. What's a Bat Mitzvah without Great Aunts and Uncles? Mine sure wouldn't be the same. Aunt Louise, Uncle Saul and Aunt Gert, Aunt Helen and Uncle Sheff. Please join me in lighting candle number 10.

11. I remember waiting in Quassy amusement park in long lines. Rachel and Sara, remember that ride we must have rode a thousand times? Burger King was another old favorite spot, where we'd not only eat but play the games too. And this summer was fun sharing our timeshare in the Poconos with you. We even followed you to New York since we live here now too. Cousins Perry and Candy, and Rachel and Sara, please come up and light candle number 11.

12. Cousins Ruthie and Bobby, you've celebrated many birthday parties and holidays with us too. This day wouldn't be complete without the two of you. Please come up and light candle number 12.

13. Bob and Linda, you and my parents have followed each other to college, Boston, and back to Connecticut since you've met. However, you haven't followed us to New York quite yet. You've seen our family through marriages, moves, jobs and kids along the way. It's only fitting you are here with us today. Thanks for your friendship. Please come up and light candle number 13.

14. This good luck candle which I saved for last is for a great group of friends. Spending time with them always seems to help my problems mend. From Connecticut when I was little, to Hebrew school and my [school] pals. You're all a bunch of great guys and gals. Thanks for spending this day with me. All my friends new and old, Please join me in lighting candle 14 and then we can party.


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